At SHEQ Services we can carry out fully comprehensive Health and Safety Risk Assessments of your work place, identifying the specific hazards and associated risks of your business activities.
Once identified we will recommend control measures / additional actions required to either eliminate or reduce the risk to a level which is reasonably practicable.
Assessments can be done for your complete business operations or for specific activities, machinery or hazards.
Categories include;
Auditing the Health and Safety of your business is vital to ensuring you are meeting and are remaining compliant with all your business expectations.
We can build an Audit template and Programme which is bespoke to your business activities, taking into account all of your operations and locations, this will include an audit of your management system as well as a physical site inspection.
A full detailed Audit report will be developed highlighting best practice witnessed, non-conformities raised and opportunities for improvements. Follow up audits will be conducted to verify the actions implemented ensuring your business is not only meeting the required standard but exceeding it.
As with Auditing, Site Inspections of the workplace are vital to ensuring you and your contractors are compliant with legislative requirements as well as company policies and procedures.
We will undertake site inspections at your chosen location; we will work with you beforehand to create a bespoke template suitable to your activities and carryout the inspection, providing a full report on the findings with recommendations.
Follow up audits will be conducted to verify the actions implemented ensuring your business is not only meeting the required standard but exceeding it.
Unfortunately from time to time Incidents do happen which either result in the injury to an employee, damage to equipment or a near miss incident which although did not result in any damage or injury, had the potential to.
It’s important that lessons are learnt from all incidents, the purpose of this is to ensure the root cause(s) are identified and actions to prevent a reoccurrence are implemented within your business.
We will complete a full investigation on site, gathering all evidence of the incident; this will include;
A fully comprehensive report will be produced and distributed, we will liaise with enforcing authorities such as the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Environment Agency (EA), or any other enforcing authority where required.
We can conduct accident analysis on your previous incident data, this enables us to complete trend analysis and identify areas of improvements with your Health and Safety and Environmental Management Systems.
Developing processes for your organisation provides a clear understanding of how the business functions, how each department works, and how each department interacts with other departments.
Process Mapping also enables you to assess through internal auditing the effectiveness of your departments and identifies areas where improvements are required ensuring the business continually improves.
Using the most up to date software, we will create bespoke process maps for each department / business unit covering all aspects of how they operate, systems and documentation used within the department, links to other processes and all other information specific to your business.
Whether you are working to HSG (65), ISO 45001:2018, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 or any other standard, we can assess where you currently are, identify areas where improvements are needed and what actions are required to fill those gaps to meet the requirements of your chosen standard.
Our Assessors will review your complete management system and tour your premises to complete the GAP Analysis, producing a comprehensive report with actions and targets based on their findings.
We will conduct a secondary review in a timescale which is in line with the initial report recommendations, this will verify the effectiveness of the actions completed and confirm whether the full requirements of the standard have been met.
Whether you need a full system created, implemented and maintained or just help with a single policy, either way we can create and implement bespoke policies and procedures for your Health and Safety, Environmental and Quality Management Systems.
Once created we will assist you in implementing them and also review them periodically to ensure they are suitable and sufficient and effective for your business.
At SHEQ Services we strongly believe that having a competent and experienced workforce provides the framework for a safer and healthier company.
Providing personnel on long and short term contracts, in line with your requirements we can offer the following roles;
Duration of roles depends on your individual needs, there is no minimum or maximum duration set by us, and this enables you to gain competent resources which are bespoke to your company / project requirements.
We can also offer a service where your resource is continuous, we will select personnel who can work on a rota basis enabling you to have a 7 day a week resource, ensuring your company / project is manned appropriately and effectively.